Detox Series: Healthy Eats in Bahrain

So we’re halfway through January and perhaps you want to do a detox or have set yourself some healthy eating goals at the beginning of the year that you’re really determined to stick to. Go you!

Perhaps you joined a gym and are feeling fresh and full of energy but you want to take it a step further. Healthy eating and sweating it out at the gym go hand and in hand, so we’ve kindly thought up this little list here to give you some inspiration and easy places to grab a bite to eat to keep you on track.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless, which this handful of eateries prove in abundance. Try out vegan desserts and organic ingredients and be pleasantly surprised with just how tasty it all is!

Healthy Box: Sandwich

Estimated Savings: BHD2
Location: Gosi Complex & Arad

Juice Factory Juicery: Beverage

Estimated Savings: BHD2
Location: Diplomatic Area

Healthy Calorie: Salad

Estimated Savings: BHD2
Location: Manama
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